There are numerous places where you can share your positive reviews. You can try posting them in your establishment. A printed out customer review shows potential customers that you value your relationships with your customers, and that you are committed to providing them with a great product or service.

It shows that you care about your customer’s experience. Just remember to be careful with this type of thing. Print out too many customer reviews, and you might come across to your customers as gloating.


Broadcast Positive Feedback

You can also link to positive reviews on your social media pages, like Facebook and Twitter… With the interconnectedness of our Web 2.0 digital environment, posting and sharing reviews is easier than
ever. All you have to do is perform a couple of clicks, and your beaming reviews will be there for all your customers to see.

And why stop there? Positive customer experiences should be milked for all they’re worth, so post reviews on your business website. This way, if anyone goes to your website looking for more information, they will see your positive reviews there as well.

If you’re really happy about a customer review, you can post it on the front page of your website, or publish videos on your YouTube channel informing people about them!